

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Apa Pertimbangan Sebelum Membeli Kamera DSLR ?

Di era modern saat ini, dunia fotografi bukanlah hal yang asing lagi bagi setiap orang. Dengan mudahnya setiap orang dapat mengabadikan sebuah moment dengan kamera Hp, Poket, DSLR, dll. Ketertarikan akan dunia fotografi akan mempengaruhi juga keinginan kita untuk mengabadikan moment tersebut dengan kamera yang bagus dan beralih ke tingkatan fotografi yang lebih profesional. Banyaknya kamera SLR (Single Lens Reflex) di pasaran seringkali membuat calon konsumen bingung untuk memutuskan pilihan. Dengan label harga yang berbeda, konsumen harus mengetahui apa sebenarnya yang ia butuhkan dan apa yang akan ia lakukan dengan kamera tersebut.
Untuk mempunyai kamera DSLR tidaklah murah. Kita sesuaikan dengan kebutuhan dan kemampuan seberapa besar uang kita.

Jika sekiranya konsumen sering mengambil gambar dalam kondisi low light misalnya, maka ia harus mencari kamera dengan ISO tinggi dan memiliki in-body image stabilization. Akan tetapi jika konsumen akan banyak memakai kamera di dalam studio, portrait atau macro, maka ia harus memprioritaskan adanya fitur 'live view'.

Sejumlah pertanyaan juga sebaiknya dijawab lebih dulu sebelum membeli. Apakah Anda menginginkan body yang tahan air? Apakah berat dan ukuran penting? Dan apakah Anda membutuhkan lensa tertentu? Karena tidak semua sistem kamera kompatibel dengan semua lensa dan juga add-ons khusus.

Berikut disajikan sejumlah informasi yang bisa membantu Anda menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan di atas:

1. Ukuran Sensor

Ukuran sensor menjadi salah satu pertimbangan karena ia memiliki beberapa perbedaan. Semakin kecil ukuran sensor, maka ia akan menangkap area yang lebih kecil dari scene (crop factor). Ada 3 format sensor (dimulai dari yang terbesar), yakni Full Frame, APS-C dan Four-Thirds.

Format DSLR terbesar adalah full frame (dinamakan seperti itu karena ia memiliki ukuran yang sama dengan film 35mm). DSLR dengan sensor full frame memilii viewfinder terbesar. Sensor yang lebih besar juga akan menghasilkan hasil yang lebih baik dalam kondisi low light dan ISO tinggi. Akan tetapi di lain sisi, kamera full frame memiliki body yang besar dan mahal, seperti dikutip detikINET dari DPreview, Jumat (4/11/2011). Pun juga apabila memakai sensor full frame, maka ia akan kehilangan panjang foikal yang ditawarkan sensor yang lebih kecil saat memakai telephoto.

APS-C ialah format yang biasanya dipakai di Canon, Nikon, Pentax dan Sony DSLR. Dengan crop factor 1.5x atau 1.6x, pengguna membutuhkan lensa digital khusus untuk mendapatkan hasil wideangle yang sebenarnya. Sensor APS-C lebih murah dibandingkan dengan sensor full frame.

Four Thirds adalah format digital yang dikembangkan oleh Olympus dan kini dipakai di kamera Olympus dan Panasonic. Tidak seperti sistem lain yang ada di pasar, Four Thirds tidak berangkat dari sistem film SLR dan memakai lens mount (bantalan lensa) yang benar-benar baru.

Ini berarti ia bisa kompatibel dengan semua lensa dan kamera digital dari pabrikan yang berbeda asalkan sistemnya sama. Walaupun dengan sensor yang lebih kecil ia akan menghasilkan noise yang lebih banyak saat kondisi low light dan ISO tinggi, namun biasanya perbedaannya tidak terlalu kelihatan.

2. Sistem Anti Goyang (Anti shake)

Hal lain yang harus dipertimbangkan ketika memilih kamer DSLR adalah keberadaan sistem image stabilization (IS). Seperti diketahui, foto yang diambil dalam kondisi kurang cahaya atau diambil melalui lensa telephoto mudah sekali menjadi blur. Hal ini diakibatkan karena kamera yang tidak stabil alias goyang. Nah, IS ini diperlukan untuk mengatasi kendala tersebut, meniadakan goyangan kamera dan mengurangi blur.

Tiap pabrikan memiliki nama sendiri-sendiri untuk sistem ini. Ada yang memakai istilah Super SteadyShot, Anti Shake, Vibration Reduction atau Mega IOS.

3. Kecepatan (Speed)
Shutter Speed
Apakah Anda membutuhkan kecepatan kamera yang mumpuni? Biasanya speed dibutuhkan bagi mereka yang biasanya mengambil foto untuk sport dan wildlife. Model yang lebih mahal akan menawarkan kecepatan fokus yang lebih tinggi, begitu juga dengan jumlah frame yang diambil secara continuous.

Sebagian besar DSLR entry level menawarkan tingkat continuous shooting sekitar 2.5 atau 3 frame per second, cukup untuk mengambil gambar anak-anak atau binatang peliharaan yang sedang berlarian.

Akan tetapi jika kecepatan menjadi faktor penting bagi Anda, maka pertimbangkan untuk membeli ke model mid range atau semi-professional yang menawarkan tingkat frame mulai dari 5 fps.

4. Ukuran, berat dan daya tahan

Kamera digital SLR hadir dengan berbagai bentuk dan ukuran. Jika Anda gemar membidik obyek dalam kondisi lembab atau berdebu, pikirkan untuk mencari DSLR dengan 'bungkus' waterproof dan sistem penghilang debu untuk menjaga sensor tetap bersih.

Kamera dengan daya tahan semacam ini memang agak lebih mahal namun banyak juga kamera model mid-range yang menawarkan beberapa level perlindungan dari elemen-elemen tersebut.

Mengenai ukuran dan berat kamera, pertimbangkan kamera yang ringkas jika Anda sering memakainya untuk bepergian dan tidak ingin terganggu dengan berat kamera. DSLR yang ringan menawarkan berat tidak lebih dari 0,5 kg dengan lensa kecil.

5. Layar dan Live View

Live View memungkinkan user untuk menilik frame foto dari layar di belakang kamera, sama seperti di kamera compact. Keberadaan live view membantu pengambilan gambar dari sudut-sudut yang sulit karena pengguna tak harus 'mengintip' melalui viewfinder meski di lain sisi ia memiliki kekurangan.

Live view mengakibatkan proses pengambilan lebih lambat. Hal ini disebabkan karena kaca yang ada di SLR harus diflip-up untuk memungkinkan live view dan diflip-back down kembali untuk mengambil fokus atau membidik obyek.
Namun di sini pabrikan Sony mengatasi hal tersebut dengan pemakaian sistem live view dual sensor, yang menjanjikan proses lebih cepat walaupun belum mampu menawarkan foto dengan resolusi tinggi di live viewnya.

6. Kemudahan Fitur & Kelengkapannya

Banyak SLR entry-level yang 'menyambut' pengguna yang baru berpindah dari kamera kompak. Untuk itu pabrikan kamera telah menyuguhkan kemudahan pemakaian fitur (on-screen guide, intelligent automatic modes, face detection) yang biasanya ada di kamera saku.

Meski banyak fitur di kamera compact yang sudah ada di kamera digital SLR, namun ia memiliki banyak fitur yang lebih mumpuni. Pertimbangkan kekayaan fitur yang dimiliki kamera dan sesuaikan dengan kebutuhan Anda.

7. Movie Mode

Bagi yang gemar merekam moment-moment penting dalam kehidupan, movie mode harus jadi pertimbangan. Sebagian besar SLR yang memungkinkan pengambilan video tidak mampu melakukan autofocus selama pembuatan video clip, akan tetapi mereka mampu membuahkan hasil yang bagus.

sumber : dari berbagai sumber

Hacker Muda Jebol Sistem Komputer Sekolah

Aaron (dailymail)

Aksi - aksi hacker saat ini marak sekali di berbagai belahan dunia ini. Dapat kita lihat di berbagai berita televisi, web, majalah ataupun media lainya. Tapi berita yang satu ini sungguh sangatlah menarik perhatian. Seorang anak yang dibilang masih belia ini telah berhasil membobol sistem komputer di sekolahnya. Berikut berita dari detikInet.

Devon, Inggris - Seorang murid membobol sistem komputer di sekolahnya dan sukses meraup data-data penting. Sialnya, hacker belia ini ketahuan sehingga dilaporkan ke polisi serta dikeluarkan dari sekolah.

Remaja bernama Aaron Bond ini masih berusia 14 tahun. Di usianya yang terbilang sangat muda, dia sudah gemar mendesain aplikasi di App Store, bahkan memiliki perusahaan desain web sendiri. Dia disebut-sebut desainer aplikasi termuda di Eropa dan pernah menjadi delegasi di konferensi Apple.

Iseng-iseng, dia coba membobol sistem komputer sekolahnya, King Edward VI College yang berlokasi di Devon, Inggris. Dia pun sukses meraup informasi rahasia dan password rekan-rekannya serta para staf sekolah. Termasuk informasi gaji kepala sekolah.

"Aku sangat menyesalinya dan jika aku tahu konsekuensinya, aku tidak akan pernah melakukannya," kata Aaron seperti detikINET kutip dari DailyMail, Jumat 99/3/2012).

Kasus ini bahkan dilaporkan pihak sekolah ke polisi setempat. Terbukti melakukan aksi hacking, Aaron pun diberi peringatan oleh polisi. Pihak sekolah pun akhirnya mengeluarkannya dan Aaron kini pindah ke sekolah yang lain.

"Aaron dikeluarkan dari sekolah karena pelanggarannya serius dan tidak bisa diterima dalam peraturan sekolah yang sudah dia ketahui," kata Kate Mason, Kepala Sekolah King Edward VI College.

sumber : http://inet.detik.com

Apa Itu SEO ?

Semenjak mengenal blog, bertanya-tanya tentang masalah blog dan bagaimana cara agar blog atau web kita dapat berada di mesin pencari / search engine, bagainama blog kita atau postingan kita dapat terindex di google atau yahoo. Ternyata ada sebuah cara agar blog atau postingan kita dapat terindex di halaman pertama. Setelah mencari referensi dari ber bagai situs, ada banyak macam cara, salah satunya SEO. Apa Itu SEO??
SEO adalah kepanjangan dari Search Engine Optimatization intinya, SEO adalah suatu cara untuk meningkatkan rangking situs / blog kita di Mesin Pencari. Sobat tau apa itu mesin pencari...? mesin pencari adalah suatu mesin yang bisa mencari atau yang lebih pasnya melacak situs kita dengan kata kunci tertentu. Contoh : sobat coba masuk ke www.google.com dan ketikkan kata kuncinya yaitu "download logo kraton". Hasilnya...anda lihat gambar dibawah ini :

Anda bisa lihat gambar diatas, itu salah satu postingan saya di blog wiryodikoro.blogspot.com yang saya buat sewaktu masih di smk hehe. Dengan memasang key word pada blog kita sehingga bisa terindex di google.com
Kembali ke masalah SEO. Sebenarnya, Teknik SEO itu sendiri, lebih diterapkan untuk blog / situs yang memang sifatnya commercial. Dalam artian blog / situs tersebut memang ditujukan khusus untuk bisnis. Nah...kalo kita selaku blogger dan memang kalo kita buat blog hanya sekedar hobi tanpa ada latar belakang bisnis maka SEO itu tidak terlalu penting. Jika anda ingin mencari penghasilan lewat blog terutama lewat iklan google adsense tentunya anda harus meningkatkan jumplah visitor perhari di blog anada, agar semakin besar peluang visitor mengeklik iklan adsense di blog anda. Semoga bermanfaat :D

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Download Call Of Duty : Black Ops Full Version Free

Call of Duty: Black Ops is a game developed by another developer named Call of Duty Treyarch. Developers are also responsible for the success of Call of Duty: World at War. If you have time to play the game, you certainly can judge for themselves the ability of this team in adapting the Call of Duty series as well. So is that you can find in this new game; this game has the quality of games and stories that are very mature and interesting to play!

Call Of Duty Black Ops Story

This game tells the journey of a member of the combat units of the famous American intelligence agency, called the CIA. You will feel the dangers of wading through endless battles since a mission to kill the Cuban dictator is very well known named Fidel Castro. Of the mission, you will uncover a little mystery series of numbers that kept ringing in your head and will determine the fate of the world!

A very interesting story is one of the main attractions of this game. So, you are not stuck just at war with no purpose only. We ourselves feel the pleasure of knowing the story that was delivered and opened little by little. Really intriguing!

As the name implies, you will often operate behind enemy lines alone or only accompanied by several colleagues. So you will always fight endless enemies and gunfire that seemed endless! Very exciting! However, there are times when you are also involved in a war that is decorated in the blast of a very bombastic. Like being in a colossal war film!

This game uses the same form of games like First Person Shooter game in general. You will run the first character of a camera and an all-out fight to the death! You can avoid enemy attacks by looking for protection, such as cover behind walls, trees, and anything that is large enough to protect your body. Besides squatting, you can also get down when all around you there is no protection.

A battle that will be felt in this game is so stressful and relentless, until it seems you do not have time to breathe! Moreover, the enemies you'll face is so clever shot! If you stay too long in the open, get ready to repeat from the nearest checkpoint! However, one thing that makes the enemies you face look stupid is so easy they are running toward you. If you are patient enough, they will bring their bodies and you can easily kill him!

Well, after quite a lot of us talk about the nuances of the battle you will face, it's time to talk about the weapons you will use. As you might already know, the type of weapon that various forms is one of the attractions in this type of game. Therefore, you can find an assortment of weapons in the 60's that has been largely modified. For example, you can find the AK-47 with grenade launcher, flame thrower, and the diberbesar magazine. As well as any other weapon that is no less cool, like the MP-5K and RPG.

Another thing that is interesting in this game is a collection of Intel. You can find a recording device that contains additional information of interest when you play a level. All you have Intel you can get your view on the main menu. Intel's position is also fairly well hidden. So, you should be quite observant when playing.

Strengths and Weaknesses

Very large-scale battles and thrilling is one very interesting thing in this game. Feeling pressured by an enemy attack that seemed endless to make your adrenaline pumpingand will always continue to play it. Not to mention the devastating blast effects and support the battle scene, such as the bomber that dropped the napalm in the distance.

Background sound effects and songs that support the game atmosphere also makes this game very interesting to play. In addition, you will also find a moment that was delivered in slow motion and strengthen the impression of the events that occurred at that time. Plus a very interesting story to follow and the mystery of the open bit by bit, then you will find an excellent Campaign mode!

However, ignorance of the enemy who is often out of his protection and run towards you is one thing that slightly reduce the fun to play. If they do it to maneuver on the defensive flank you, then it is understandable. However, they do so from the front you! Anyone would die when it does it in a gun battle!
Minimum System Requirements

* OS: Windows XP, Vista or Windows 7
* CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo E4300 @ 1.80 GHz or AMD Athlon 64 X2 4000+ @ 2.0 GHz
* RAM: 1 GB XP , 2 GB for Vista, 7
* HDD: 8 GB free disk space
* Graphics: 256 MB Graphics Memory
* Sound Card: DirectX 9 Compatible
* DirectX: Version 9.0c
File Download :
Pass : www.gamehousevn.com
source: freegamestube.blogspot.com

SimCity 3000 RIP Full Version Free Download

SimCity 3000 is a simulation game and make the city made ​​by Will Wright and was first released in 1989. SimCity was originally released for the computer alone. But due to overwhelming requests, the game is finally developed and manufactured for many platforms such as game consoles and mobile phone. For nearly 20 years, SimCity has coined many series such as SimCity 2000, SimCity 3000, SimCity 4, SimCity Societies, SimCity Creator and many more, including SimCity Metropolis. SimCity from Maxis is also developing a series of other simulations like SimTower, SimAnt, SimHealth to the most popular to date, The Sims.

SimCity 3000

In this new SimCity game veterans do not have to be afraid I'm bored. Due to slightly change the way EA SimCity game of urban planning strategy of ever more complex to a more casual mode. In this new SimCity we can not be bothered anymore as the name suggests electrical wiring, plumbing and other urban structures. Focussed on the building.

For the laying of the building also does not seem so complicated. If the classic SimCity we should really take into account the location and formation of each type of building to create a community of people who self-sufficient, in SimCity Metropolis seems easier. Living places tempatin wrote up our buildings. But not that much easy really. There are other things that still need to be a concern.

In choosing what buildings will be built, we should look at what needs which if the most urgent. In view, there will be measurement parameters as used in the game The Sims. The elements that must be considered include the happiness of the population, pollution, congestion, safety and beauty of the city, the need for health and electricity as well as the availability of housing and jobs.

For the building itself, there are reportedly some 120 buildings (40 buildings for each district). The building does all sorts ranging from houses, apartments, hotels, parks, schools, bus stops, restaurants, dojo get to the office and building strange things. Each building will have a value that will increase or decrease the fulfillment of each element. For example building a movie theater to make people happy and definitely adds a beautiful city, but will add to congestion and lower levels of health. Anyway, every building has its own assessment to be related to the needs of the city as a whole.

The story itself quite interesting. Once there is a meteor that crashed into SimNation, the sims this country. Jatuhannya was created from the former three islands which after examination by experts it has the potential to become a metropolis. The end of each island is made of different districts. Three different districts of Sunny Glen is to be used as a residential area, which will be Concrete Grove business district and Rusty Plain to the industrial area.

In the initial stage, we are asked to develop the district's third one by one. For the first mission we are asked to collect a certain amount of population to live in the district and help to promote these. We are also asked to promote a specific infrastructure and building. If successful, you are welcome to choose one of two specific buildings.

Well, success in the early stages we will be asked to arrange for the needs of residents will be certain elements are met. If successful in this second stage, we only considered successful in developing a district and asked to arrange two other districts.

The third time the district was completed successfully, there will be an event where the district was expanding and we are asked to re-develop it. When trying this game, I've developed a three districts for the third time. Either there are how many more times, which we obviously will not finish this game so easily.

In terms of control, SimCity game that is definitely easier because EA has simplified its gameplay. Anyway, just select and place the building. The number keys 1 through 4 are used to display table and rate of progress.

In terms of graphics, SimCity Metropolis is also more vivid because the details are clearly displayed. The cars that passed, the animation building and various other details appear more already graced the visual side of good.

Overall, I would recommend this game for gamers who are looking for semi-casual game, that is not too easy but not too complicated. Graphics and background music are also not exactly ugly.


Minimum CPU Type: Pentium
Minimum CPU Speed: 166 MHz
Minimum RAM Required: 32 MB
Minimum Hard Disk Space: 230 MB
Graphics Type: SVGA
Graphics Resolution: Multiple Resolutions
Color Depth: High Color
File Download :
Other Link Download


Rar password : www.freegamestube.blogspot.com


Download Need For Speed (NFS) UNDERCOVER RIP Full Free

Game Need for Speed​​: Undercover is a game that genre Street Racing, the latest NFS game series is a lot of changes happening in terms of whether it lingkungnnya graphics, as well as car series looks at the paint, design, and shape etc which makes the car look authentic. The mission of this game you are driven by a character in a story that sends players into an underground crime syndicate, using the driving skills to gain confidence by doing the job and became king of the streets in Tri-City Bay. Many driving actions occurring throughout the United States highway south. The streets to fill with traffic generated randomly and several police cars that are controlled by computers that work together to hunt down rogue. Other game modes allow players to take the role of the suspect to escape or sebagia police chased the criminals.

The 2008 release in Electronic Arts' high-mileage road-racing series, Need for Speed: Undercover is built on a revamped game engine with a dual focus: realistic sports car physics and accessible, empowering controls. Hundreds of components and systems are individually modeled on each automobile, for realistic acceleration, suspension, weight displacement, and handling, in any car and under any circumstance. The game features dozens of automobiles from the world's leading manufacturers, as well as real-life aftermarket parts, paint, vinyl, and other customizations.

The "Heroic Driving Engine" introduced in Need for Speed: Undercover aims to harness the game's realistic physics by condensing difficult, dangerous driving maneuvers into simple, button-press controls. Players perform 180s, 360s, burnouts, and instant reversals with the tap of a few buttons, and a fixed camera angle makes it easier to follow the action through spins and quick turns. It does not take stunt driver skills to drive like a stunt driver in Need for Speed. It still requires a stunt driver's spirit, however, with imaginative routes and daring maneuvers well rewarded, and a complete wipeout always one wrong turn away.

Undercover's single-player campaign is driven by a story that sends the player's character deep into an underground crime syndicate, using his driving skills to gain trust by performing jobs and wining street races around Tri-City Bay, the game's fictional, open-world setting. Much of the driving action takes place across wide, southern U.S. highways. The roads can fill up with randomly generated traffic and multiple, computer-controlled cop cars that work together to chase down crooks. Other game modes allow players to takethe role of the fleeing suspect or the pursuing police in one-off levels and challenges. As many as eight players can go Undercover together online.

-Authentically modeled automobiles designed to drive like their real-life counterparts
-Plays as the cop and chase down criminals; Plays as the criminal and make your escape!
-Perform dangerous, difficult driving maneuvers with easy, button-combo controls


Windows XP/Vista
Pentium 4 3.0GHz Processor
6GB Hard Disk Space
DirectX 9.0c
128MB Nvidia GeForce 6600/ATI Radeon 9500 Video Card
DirectX 9.0c Compatible Sound Card
8X DVD-ROM Drive
Total File Size 1GB

 File 1
File 2

Source : freegamestube.blogspot.com

Need For Speed: Shift

  • Last Updated: Jan 29, 2012
  • License: Demo / $29.95 Buy Now
  • OS: Windows 7, Vista, XP
  • Publisher: Electronic Arts
Need for Spee SHIFT is an award-winning authentic racing game that combines the true driver’s experience with real-world physics, pixel-perfect car models, and a wide range of authentic race tracks. Need for Speed SHIFT takes players in a different direction to Create a simulation experience that replicates the true feeling of driving high-end performance cars.

Players are thrust into the loud, visceral, intense, athletic experience of racing a car on the edge of control from the driver’s perspective through the combination of perception based G-Forces, the hyper reality of the cockpit view, and the brutal experience of a first person crash dynamic. Need for Speed SHIFT features an accurate, accessible physics-based driving model that allows you to feel every impact, every change of track surface and every last bit of grip as you Push yourself to the edge.

The all-new driver profile is the ultimate extension of the true driver’s experience. This system gives each player a unique persona based on a player’s driving skill and style - aggressive or precise. Driver profile impacts how a player unlocks cars, overall career progression and online matchmaking. In Need for Speed SHIFT, how you drive is who you are behind the wheel.

Need for Speed SHIFT is being developed by Slightly Mad Studios in collaboration with Black Box and senior vice president Patrick Soderlund at EA Games Europe.  

File Download :

Source : games.brothersoft.com

Need for Speed: Underground 2

  • Last Updated: Jul 12, 2010
  • License: Demo / Free
  • OS: Windows XP, 2000, 98, Me
  • Publisher: Electronic Arts
The game is based around tuning cars for street races, resuming the Need for Speed: Underground storyline. Need for Speed: Underground 2 provides several new features, such as a broader customization, new methods of selecting races, the "explore" mode (just driving around freely, like the Midnight Club series, in a large city known as "Bayview"). Underground 2 also introduces several SUVs, which could be customized as extensively as other Underground 2 vehicles and used to race against other SUV racers. Brooke Burke is the voice of Rachel Teller, the person who guides the player through the story.

Minimum System Requirements:
OS: Windows XP or 2000
CPU: 1.4 GHz or faster
RAM: 256 MB or more
Disc Drive: 8x or faster CD/DVD drive
Hard Drive: 2,5 GB or more free space
Video: DirectX 9.0c compatible (see right)
Sound: DirectX 9.0c compatible
Input: Keyboard, mouse, or USB Steering Wheel/Gamepad
Video card with 32 MB or more memory and one of these chipsets is required: ATI Radeon 7500 or greater; ATI Radeon Xpress 200; NVIDIA GeForce2 MX/GTS or greater; Intel 950/i915g; S3 GammaChrome S18 Pro
Multiplayer requires 1 set of discs per PC and a broadband (Cable, DSL, or faster) connection.
Internet or LAN (2-4 players) 

File Download :

Source : games.brothersoft.com

Need for Speed Most Wanted

  • Last Updated: Jul 12, 2010
  • License: Demo / Free
  • OS: Windows XP, 2000, 98, Me
  • Publisher: Electronic Arts
EditByBrothersoft: Need for Speed: Most Wanted (NFS:MW) is a racing video game, developed by EA Black Box and first released by Electronic Arts. It is part of the Need for Speed series of games. The game reintroduces police chases into a large body of the game's street racing-oriented game play, with certain (but not all) customization options from the Need for Speed: Underground series. The game is also succeeded by Need for Speed: Carbon, which serves as a sequel to Most Wanted.

Most Wanted, like other Need for Speed games, is essentially a driving and racing game, where the player selects one car and races against a time limit or other racers to reach a destination. Police chases have once again been integrated into certain racing sessions, in which the police employ vehicles and Tactics to stop the player's car and arrest the player, like Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit, Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit 2, and Need for Speed: Carbon. As players take control of FASTER cars and increasingly rely on nitrous oxide speed boosts, the oxide meter now refills automatically for the first time since its introduction in Underground, and driving sequences become fast-paced and intense similar to the Burnout series.

Minimum System Requirements:
OS: Windows XP or 2000
CPU: 1.4 GHz or faster
RAM: 256 MB or more
Disc Drive: 8x or faster CD/DVD drive
Hard Drive: 2,5 GB or more free space
Video: DirectX 9.0c compatible (see right)
Sound: DirectX 9.0c compatible
Input: Keyboard, mouse, or USB Steering Wheel/Gamepad
Video card with 32 MB or more memory and one of these chipsets is required: ATI Radeon 7500 or greater; ATI Radeon Xpress 200; NVIDIA GeForce2 MX/GTS or greater; Intel 950/i915g; S3 GammaChrome S18 Pro
Multiplayer requires 1 set of discs per PC and a broadband (Cable, DSL, or faster) connection.
Internet or LAN (2-4 players)

 Source : games.brothersoft.com

Need for Speed Underground

Enter the world of urban street racing and high performance tuner cars with the latest title in the hit Need for Speed series: Need for Speed Underground.

Take on today's most popular tuner cars from Mitsubishi Motors, Subaru, Toyota and many more, building the ultimate street machine by earning cash to pay for custom body kits and a host of licensed car performance mods.

But just creating a custom street racing machine will not get you to the top; it takes a certain amount of attitude and razor sharp driving skills to compete in the tough world of urban racing.

A number of diverse events set in gritty, nighttime environments make up the heart of street competition. Players become complete street racers by perfecting skills in each event by nailing the perfect shift in drag racing and by putting their street cred on the line, racing through the city streets at all hours of the night.

Prove you belong in the elite street racing circles, work your way up the underground rankings and take on the best of the best in each discipline.

Minimum System RequirementsOS: 
98/ME/XP or 2000, CPU: 700 MHz, RAM: 128 MB (256 - XP/2000), Video: 32 MB or more memory, Disc Drive: 8x of taster CD/DVD drive, Hard Drive: 2 GB or more

· Twenty fully customizable, licensed cars are included in the game from Mitsubishi Motors, Subaru, Toyota, and many more.
· Several unique racing events will be featured in the game including the following:
· Drag Racing: Explode off of the line with three other racers, on the brink of control, as you race for the finish line.
· Street Racing: Heat up the cold city streets with some high octane, high speed racing, finding the fastest lines through a variety of open city racecourses.
· Hundreds of ways to customize your ride. Pick from major aftermarket parts manufacturers including AEM Inc., Audiobahn, Bilstein, Dazz Motorsport, DC Sports, Eibach, Enkei, GReddy Performance Products Inc., HKS, Holley, Injen, Jackson Racing, MOMO, Neuspeed, Nitrous Express Inc., O.Z, PIAA, Skunk2 Racing, Sparco, StreetGlow, and Turbonetics Inc.
· Need for Speed Underground's amazing graphics will immerse gamers in the world of after hours street racing. The diverse urban nighttime environments are modeled after a variety of highly detailed real-world urban landscapes. A new sensation of speed has been created in the game by the award winning Need For Speed team and an OSCAR nominated Hollywood visual effects expert.
· Over 100 unique events give racers the opportunity to earn cash, buy more upgrades, and unlock cars and tracks while increasing their street reputation.
· A diverse collection of high-octane music keeps the game rolling.
· Online support for up to 4 players on the PlayStation 2 (broadband only) and PC.


Source : Softpedia
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